223 - Gustave SAUER (1843 - 1886) [1]


Theodor Franz Alexander Gustav SAUER was born on 28 March 1843 in Trier, as son of an Advokat-Anwalt.

‍ He settled in Luxembourg and in 1872 he acquired the Luxembourg nationality. [2]

‍ In 1876 SAUER founded with MULLER the company « Wollspinnerei mit Tricotfabrik Sauer & Muller » and took over the mill in Walferdange from his uncle (Oheim) Jacques Dieudonné CLESSE. [3]

Soon after, on 28 February 1878, he married Marie Françoise Sophie FISCHER in Luxembourg-city. FISCHER was the daughter of Eugène FISCHER, Tierarzt, Schöffe der Stadt Luxemburg, Präsident der Ackerbau Commission. [4]

Emmanuel SERVAIS, at the time, was Bürgermeister in Luxembourg-city and the witnesses at the wedding ceremony were of high standing:

Jacques Dieudonné CLESSE, Rentner, 83, Luxembourg, Oheim des Bräutigams

Rudolph MATTFELD, Geschäftsführer, 49, Mettlach, Schwager des Bräutigams

Adolph FISCHER, Oheim der Braut, 50, Cessange, Bürgermeister der Gemeinde Hollerich

Jules FISCHER, Ingenieur, 23, Rodange, Bruder der Braut.

The relationship of CLESSE to SAUER, as so-called Oheim (Onkel) needs some explanation:

CLESSE's sister-in-law Anne Marguerithe BRÜCK was married to Guillaume SAUER whose brother Jean Pierre SAUER was the father of (Theodore Franz Alexander) Gustave SAUER. In other words CLESSE was a sort of an "oncle" over three "family line jumps".

On 13 September 1878 SAUER applied for a 15 year patent for an invention entitled:

Nouveau système de moulin à chicorée, céréales, moutarde etc.

The patent was not examined and issued almost 2 years later under the 1880 Patent Law, on 11 September 1880. [5]

‍ Gustave SAUER died in 1886 and his partner MULLER carried on the Tricotfabrik in Walferdange under the name of MULLER & Cie. [3]


[1] FamilySearch database

[2] Mémorial 1873, page 146

[3] industrie.lu

[4] FISCHER was the examiner appointed by the Chambre de Commerce who rejected HENGEL's patent application for a « Moulin à concasser l’orge et l’avoine » for lack of novelty in 1866 (see No 92a).

[5] LU patent No 61
