Perfectionnements apportés aux ballons aériens
This invention relates to improvements in the construction or arrangement of aerial balloons, with a view to facilitate the working and control of the same, and to permit of dispensing, either wholly or partially, with the discharge of ballast or gas during the ascensions or descents.
It should here be remarked that although I give preference to the annular form of the lower balloon, a, this form may be replaced by any other, provided a central space be reserved for the passage of the attachment-cords or other appliances, and of the cable hereinafter mentioned.
The lower balloon, a, should, with the exception hereinafter stated, be heavier than air that is to say, that its ascensional force should be more than counterbalanced by the weight of its load, after deduction of half the weight of, say, half the length of the halyard h.
The upper balloon, c, should have sufficient ascensional power to support the weight of the cable g and other adjuncts, plus the power required to determine the ascension and maintainment in the air of the lower balloon, a, when loaded to the desired extent.
N° 84. - Le 25 octobre 1880. — A M. le comte Antoine Apraxine, domicilié à Paris, représenté par M. Charles-Auguste München, avocat-avoué, qui a fait élection de domicile, à Luxembourg, en son étude; — pour perfectionnements apportés aux ballons aériens.