Verbesserter Gasmotor
In gas-motor engines as at present constructed, an explosive mixture of combustible gas and air is introduced into the engine-cylinder, where it is ignited, resulting in a sudden development of heat and expansion of the gases, a great portion of the useful effect being lost by absorption of heat, unless special provisions are made for allowing the gases to expand very rapidly.
According to my present invention an intimate mixture of combustible gas or vapour and air is introduced into the cylinder, together with a separate charge of air or other gas, that may or may not support combustion, in such a manner and in such proportions that the particles of the combustible gaseous mixture are more or less dispersed in an isolated condition in the air or other gas, so that on ignition, instead of an explosion ensuing, the flame will be communicated gradually from one combustible particle to another, thereby effecting a gradual development of heat and a corresponding gradual expansion of the gases, which will enable the motive power so produced to be utilised in the most effective manner.
Die Beschreibung und Zeichnungen des verbesserten Motors sind so ausführlich, dass wir es für überflüssig halten auf einen nähere Erklärung einzugehen. Wir schlagen deshalb die Ertheilung eines Patentes auf die Dauer von fünf Jahren vor.
La Chambre de commerce partageant les conclusions des experts WEISS et MÜLLER dans leur rapport ci-joint, a été d'avis, … , d'accorder le brevet sollicité, sauf à en limiter la durée à cinq ans.
DE 532, GB 2081, FR 113251, US 194047, SE 2310, ES 5479
see also « Do patents enable disclosure? Strategic innovation management of the four-stroke engine » by Patricio Sáiz, and Rubén Amengual.
[3] see « Distinguished inventors, Otto »
[4] US patent n° 194,047
[5] drafted in old German handwriting and not yet transcribed