136 - Joseph STEINS (1833 - ) [1]

Joseph François STEINS was born 1833 in Vianden as son of a tourneur. He got married in 1862 in nearby Neuerburg to Anne Maria THIEL. Anne Maria was born in Neuerburg in 1820 and was a widow.

The couple STEINS-THIEL had 3 children, including twins. The twins were born 1863 in Neuerburg and the third child Joseph was born 1865 in Vianden. The family thus left Neuerburg around 1864 to go and live in Vianden.

‍ The Census of 1864 shows that father STEINS and his three sons worked as tourneur. Joseph had married the year before and bride Anne Marie THIEL had moved in. Only one of their twins, Joseph, born in 1863 had survived. 

The 1871 Census shows that Joseph STEINS had moved out from the parental home and lived in Maisgarten in the Oberstadt of Vianden with his wife Anne Marie and son Joseph. The third child born in 1865 did not survive.

In 27 July 1872 STEINS applied for a brevet d’importation for a 

Pompe à bière


STEINS’ occupation was tourneur en bois and, at the same time, cabaretier in Vianden.

The experts MICHEL, industriel and GANSEN-FISCH, brasseur in Eich drafted a very short report (in old German handwriting, still to be transcribed) rejecting the patent application.

The Chambre de commerce forwarded the experts’ conclusions on 14 January 1873 in the following words to the Government: 

… la Chambre de commerce avait chargé Monsieur Michel, industriel et Gansen-Fisch brasseur à Eich, d'examiner la demande de brevet d'invention et d'importation de cinq ans pour une pompe à bière. 

Les experts, dont le rapport est ci-joint, son d’avis de rejeter la demande, attendu que ce système est depuis longtemps connu et que, loin de présenter un perfectionnement quelconque, il est, au contraire, entaché de vices de construction. 

Nous avons l'honneur de vous faire connaître que la Chambre de commerce dans sa séance du 13 de ce mois, à adopté ces conclusions.

The decision of refusal of the patent taken by the Government was transmitted to STEINS via the Commissaire de district of Diekirch.


[1] FamilySearch database (MM88-ZD2)
