46 - Veuve RICHARD-BARTH (1814 - ) (1) [1]

Jean RICHARD (born 1807) and Jeanne BARTH (born 1814) married in 1835. RICHARD was a serrurier. The couple lived in 177 rue St Philippe, in Luxembourg-city.

Jean RICHARD died in 1849 and his wife Jeanne continued running the business, which became known under the name of Veuve RICHARD-BARTH.

It is interesting to note that Jeanne was the sister of Jean BARTH (ferblantier-lampiste), born 1816, and one of the first Luxembourg inventors (see No 20, No 22 and No 40). She was the daughter of a vitrier in Luxembourg-city.

On 27 March 1852 Jeanne RICHARD-BARTH took the initiative to obtain the right to import cast window closure systems made in France by Pierre Nicolas Adolphe CHARBONNIER. The latter had obtained on 26 March 1846 his first French patent for a système de crémone à mouvement excentrique. [2] He filed three more additions to the original patent in 1847.

In order to secure the exclusive right in Luxembourg for selling the fixtures patented by CHARBONNIER, Jeanne RICHARD-BARTH, serrurière, applied for a brevet d’importation et de perfectionnement based on CHARBONNIER’S French patent for:

Crémones ou fermetures d’espagnolettes en fonte

The Chambre de Commerce was asked to examine the application and was assisted to this effect by experts M. WIRZ, Ingénier en chef des Travaux Publics and M. EYDT, architecte de la Ville de Luxembourg.

In its opinion, dated 4 May 1852, the Chambre de Commerce came to the following conclusion:

En présence des adjoints à la Chambre de commerce nommés par l'article 2 de votre arrêté sus-visé notre collège vient de procéder à l'examen de ces pièces, et il a reconnu qu'elles ne consistaient qu'en dessins lithographiés représentant à la vérité un nouveau système d'espagnolettes breveté en France, mais n'indiquant aucun perfectionnement de la part de la dame Richard. Pour ce motif, la Chambre de Commerce a décidé au scrutin, par neuf voix et un bulletin blanc, sur 10 membres présents à la séance, qu'il n'y avait pas lieu d'accorder à la dame Richard un privilège pour l'introduction de ces espagnolettes.

This was clearly a decision on formal grounds only, since the novelty of the invention was recognised but not any improvement on the original invention.

Jeanne BARTH refiled the application on 29 December 1852, but this time only as a brevet d’importation. (see No 47).


[1] FamilySearch database

[2] FR patent No 3,208 (Bulletin des Lois de la République française 1846, page 707)

[3] Courrier du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, 22 October 1853, page 4
