160 - Nicolas Ferdinand JAGN

JAGN (or YAGN) was a Russian engineer residing in Syzran (Russia).

His invention related to:

Perfectionnements dans la construction d’appareils pour l’alimentation des chaudières à vapeur

JAGN obtained a patent in a number of German states (including Prussia), in Austria, in Denmark and in Great Britain. [1]

The abstract of the British patent reads as follows:

Thi invention relates to, 

First, apparatus in which two vessels or reservoirs placed one above the other with a non-conductor of heat interposed are arranged to communicate with each other by a couple of bent tubes. The upper reservoir communicates with the reservoir of alimentary water. The lower vessel has two pipes leading to the boiler, one of which extends only to the proper water level, and is provided with a plug, cock or valve, and the other extends below the water level in the boiler and is furnished with a back pressure valve.

 Secondly, a modification of the above apparatus in which the upper vessel and bent tubes are dispensed with. 

Thirdly, the application of the apparatus for forcing water from the boiler.

On 20 September 1874 JAGN applied for a brevet d’importation in Luxembourg. The administrative file does not reveal on which patent the “import” was based.

The Chambre de commerce conducted its usual examination and experts Eugène MULLER & Jules GODCHAUX concluded:

L'appareil automatique pour l'alimentation des chaudières à vapeur pour lequel le sieur Jagn demande un brevet de perfectionnement, repose sur un principe que nous ne pouvons pas admettre comme exact, car l'invention suppose que dans deux vases communicants toujours il peut y avoir une pression différente.

… Le tout n'est qu'un appareil de circulation d’eau chaude intercalé entre la chaudière et la pompe alimentaire.

 Du reste il existe des appareils alimentaires automatiques très bien combinés reposant sur le principe contraire à celui admis par l’inventeur.

…  Nous ferons remarquer en outre que par l'inspection seule du dessin on voit déjà que cet appareil n'a jamais été exécuté.

The Chambre de commerce endorsed the experts’ opinion and the patent application was rejected.


[1] GB patents No 2,155/1874 and  No 1,532/1875
