133 - Dieudonné DEMEURE

DEMEURE, directeur des hauts-fourneaux in Châtelet (Belgique) had obtained a French patent  on 1 May 1872. [1]

He applied on 6 June 1872 for a brevet d’importation in Luxembourg under the title of 

Appareil à circulation multiple d’air pour hauts-fourneaux

In the corresponding British patent [2] the inventor explained:

The Invention consists in a novel combination of horizontal tubes connected together by syphon tubes in such a way as to form an apparatus with multitudinous circulation for heating air to a high tempera­ture. The horizontal tubes are arranged on each side of a furnace. The air enters at the end of the first tube, and passes through the syphon tubes connected therewith to a second horizontal tube on the other side of the furnace. To this second tube another series of syphon tubes are connected, which syphon tubes are also connected to a third horizontal tube lying alongside of the first horizontal tube, and extending from end to end of the furnace. The air passes along this third tube through other syphon tubes across the furnace to a fourth horizontal tube, whence it passes by other syphon tubes connected thereto to a fifth horizontal tube, from which it issues to the tuyère of a furnace, or to other desired destination. 

In the arrangement described, the first, second, fourth, and fifth hori­zontal tubes extend each only about half the length of the furnace, whilst the third tube extends from end to end thereof, and the second, third, and fourth tubes are closed at both ends, whilst the first and fifth tubes are closed only at their inner ends, their outer ends being connected, the one to the source of supply of cold air, the other to a tuyère or to a tube or passage conducting the heated air to any desired place.

The first, third, and fifth tubes are by preference cast in two pieces, each being again divided into two longitudinally by a division also cast therein.

If desired other numbers of horizontal tubes and of syphon tubes may be used to form a greater or less extended system of circulation for heating air.

Experts Eugéne MULLER, Edouard METZ and Georges WITTENAUER examined the invention and came to the following conclusion:

L'appareil DEMEURE ne présente qu'une légère modification des appareils CALDER & CLARAUX, sans constituer un perfectionnement de ceux-ci. Il a au contraire plusieurs défauts, qui ne se rencontrent pas dans les anciens appareils. 

Ainsi, grande difficulté dans l'exécution des tuyaux courbes, dits syphons, difficultés de montage, de réparation et de nettoyage. Ensuite, non-observation du principe de chauffage graduel du four et par suite, grande consommation de combustible et température médiocre de l'air chauffé. 

Nous proposons de rejeter la demande 

The Chambre de commerce passed on the rejection proposal to the Government:

Les experts, nommés à examiner cette demande, dans le rapport qui se trouve joint avec les autres pièces, sont pour le rejet du brevet, parce que l'appareil DEMEURE ne présente qu'une légère modification des appareils CALDER & CLARAUX, sans constituer un perfectionnement de ceux-ci; par contre il y a plusieurs défauts qui ne se rencontrent pas dans les anciens appareils.

La Chambre de commerce dans sa séances de ce jour est d'avis de rejeter la demande.

The Government informed applicant’s representative, Charles Auguste MUNCHEN, of the rejection on 13 November 1872.


[1] FR patent No 95,109

[2] GB patent No 1,384/1872
