6 - Nicolas THISSE (1798 - 1846) [1] &
Pierre Joseph ROGER (1776 - 1827) [2]
Jean Nicolas THISSE was born 1798 in Petit-Failly, Meurthe et Moselle (France) and moved some 30 km across the border to Belmont-Ethe near Virton (Province de Luxembourg) where he married Marie Jeanne MAILLET. He was a maréchal-ferrant, serrurier, carrossier.
Pierre Joseph ROGER was born in 1776 in Villers-la-Loue near Virton. He lived first in Bellefontaine near Dinant and later moved back to Virton where he became régisseur of the Fourneau Pierrard, a large foundry set up outside of Virton. [3] [4].
THISSE and ROGER filed a patent application on 14 July 1826 for a
Moulin à moudre la drêche nécessaire à la fabrication de la bière [5]
The application consisted of :
1) un paquet concernant une requête qui est adressée à sa Majesté le Roi des Pays-Bas, à l’effet d'obtenir un brevet d'invention pour 10 ans, afin d'établir un moulin à moudre la drêche nécessaire à la fabrication de la bière
2) et une caisse carrée en bois blanc, scellée par tous les côtés de leur cachet, renfermant une seconde boîte dans laquelle se trouve, en petit, la mécanique qu'ils désirent établir.
The administrative file for the application has not been preserved. It is known from the Mémorial, however, that THISSE & ROGER were granted a patent on 22 May 1827. [6]
[4] It is of interest to point out that the two inventors Thisse & Roger were living in the same area (Ethe-Virton) as the first Luxembourg inventors Willcox & Rouyére in 1812 under the French Law of 1791 (see No 1 of the French Law of 1791). The two teams of co-inventors also had in common that they were artisans working with metal and had an interest in milling devices.
[5] “drêche”, in German “Malz”
[6] Mémorial 1827, page 59