206 - Wilhelm BANSEN

BANSEN, an Austrian citizen from Bodenbach an der Elbe had obtained a patent in Germany on 5 December 1877  [1] for a machine for rolling wire under the title of: « Walzwerk für Metalldraht ».

He also obtained a corresponding US patent (« Manufacture of wire »), which summarises his invention as follows: [2]

My invention relates to new and useful improvements in machines for rolling wire; and consists in the arrangement of a set of three or more grooved wheels so that their peripheries will meet upon a common center, and their respective grooves form the circular aperture through which the wire is rolled, in combination with a guide, a finisher-plate adapted to remove the inequalities of the wire after coming from the rollers or wheels, and a suitable frame to support the mechanism.

According to this invention, a set of three grooved rollers or wheels arranged at angles of one hundred and twenty degrees to each other is used for the manufacture of wire of small gage, or a set of four grooved rollers or wheels arranged at angles of ninety degrees to each other for the manufacture of wire of larger gage, and with these rollers or wheels I employ a suitable feed-guide and a finisher-plate, through which later the wire is forced after leaving the rollers or wheels.

Among other advantages obtained by this invention, wire of a smaller gage can be rolled than has been hitherto the case, because the rollers or wheels have a tendency to force the passing wire to the center of the space formed by their respective grooves, and, further, the texture and strength of the wire is less subject to injury.


On 19 December 1877 BANSER applied for a brevet d'importation in Luxembourg under the title of: 

Système particulier de laminoir pour fil de fer

The patent was granted on 5 August 1880 under the Patent Law of 1880. [1]


[1] DE Reichspatent No 49

[2] US patent No 204,787, GB patent No 3,083/1878

[3] Luxembourg patent No 44
