186 - Thomas BOVERTON REDWOOD (1846-1919) [1] [2]

In Wikipedia, BOVERTON REDWOOD is described as follows:

Sir Thomas Boverton Redwood (1846–1919) was a 19th-century British chemical engineer remembered as a pioneer of the petroleum industry. An early car-collector and enthusiast, he was also one of the first to investigate alcohol as a fuel.

His family name was REDWOOD and his father was born in Boverton (Wales), hence the double name.

On 5 October 1876 BOVERTON REDWOOD applied for a brevet d’importation for a 

Neues Verfahren zur Erzeugung von Leuchtgas durch die eigenthümliche Anwendung eines bei der Leuchtfabrication noch nicht verwendeten Metalles

The description was filed in the German language and the title of the invention was translated into French as 

Nouveau procédé de production du gaz d’éclairage

In his British patent of origin BOVERTON REDWOOD explained: [3]

I produce a permanent hydrocarbon gas rich in carbon from petroleum or other liquid or solid hydrocarbon by subjecting the vapour of such hydrocarbon to a regulated heat applied through the medium of copper or other good conductor of heat, arranged so as to present as large a heating surface as possible; or I introduce the vapour of petroleum or other liquid or solid hydrocarbon as aforesaid into an atmosphere of the vapour of water, or of water gas or other suitable gas previously heated to a temperature at which the hydrocarbon vapour is resolved wholly or partially into permanent gas, rich in carbon.

I mix or dilute the hydrocarbon gas produced as above with water gas or other gas, deficient or less rich in carbon than the hydrocarbon gas itself is, so as to form a mixture suitable for the purpose for which it is intended.

I introduce into either of the gases produced in the manner described, the vapour of petroleum or other liquid and volatile hydrocarbon to be retained there in the state of gaseous diffusion.

Experts François EYDT and A. WEISS issued a lengthy report in which they concluded:

Pour autant qu'il nous est possible de former une opinion, sans avoir fait des expériences, sur la valeur de l'invention en question, nous pensons que l'auteur en appliquant le cuivre de la manière décrite par lui a fait une innovation jusque-là inconnue dans les procédés de fabrication du gaz et nous inclinons à croire, qu'il a résolu une difficulté importante dans la réduction des huiles diverses en gaz permanent. 

Nous sommes donc de l’avis, que loin de rejeter la demande, il y a lieu de l'accueillir, car il est difficile aujourd'hui par les rapides progrès réalisés en industrie, de dire, qu'une telle chose n'est pas possible, et qu'il vaut mieux pour le progrès accepter une proposition quand elle ne fait pas du mal à autrui, tandis qu'elle peut être utile.

The Chambre de commerce endorsed the recommendation to grant the patent, but only for 5 years, as opposed to the requested 10 years.

The Government granted the patent on 23 April 1878 for a duration of 5 years.


[1] FamilySearch database

[2] Wikipedia

[3] GB 1874/3307
