Fabrication d’une nouvelle poudre dite “Pudrolythe” à l’usage des mines et carrières
The advantages claimed for it [pudrolythe] were, that it was safe when surrounded by the atmosphere, and, unless tightly tamped, would not explode; that it was considerably cheaper and one-third more powerful than gunpowder, and that the system of manufacture was easy; that there was, comparatively, an absence of smoke on explosion; that water would not spoil it - for when dried on a hot plate, it was just as good as it was previous to being wetted; and that no deleterious gases were emitted by the explosion. He was confirmed, in these statements, by certificates from distinguished Belgian chemists and engineers, and in Belgium there was no hesitation on the part of railway managers to its transport as ordinary traffic. It had received the approval of Mr. Hayward of Carnarvon, where the dynamite explosion had taken place, who stated that he considered pudrolythe was the best explosive yet introduced.
salpètre raffiné (62%), chlorate de potasse (5%), soufre (21%), sciure de bois (5%), charbon de bois (2%) noir animal (2%)
Nous trouvons inutile de soumettre aux épreuves la poudre dite « pudrolythe » de Quertain pour en obtenir une appréciation de l’effet dynamique et des qualités physiques et chimiques, afin d'accorder le brevet d'invention sollicité par Monsieur D. Quertain.
La composition de cette poudre a été inventée et également nommée «pudrolythe» par Oller (Moniteur scientifique 1872, page 575), qui a demandé et obtenu un brevet d'invention en France. [3]
Quentain n'a fait que changer les proportions …
… la Chambre de commerce s'est prononcée contre la prise en considération de cette demande, attendue que, suivant l'avis ci-joint des experts, la composition de cette poudre a été inventée et également nommée “pudrolythe” par Oller, qui a demandé et obtenu un brevet en France.
Le sieur Quertain n'a fait que changer les proportions suivant les données fournies par les experts.
My new chemical compound which I call “pudrolythe”, when fired, does not explode suddenly like gunpowder, but it ignites and burns away …
“Pudrolythe” was used with success in 1872 in the mines in Wales. [5]
- saltpetre 66 68 62
- sulphur 20 12 21
- chlorate of soda 2,5 5
- wood saw dust 6 5 5
- charcoal 3,5 6 2
- animal charcoal 2 2
- nitrate of soda 3
- nitrate of baryta 3
- spent tan 3
[2] The Luxembourg civil records (see www.luxroots.lu) contain one single reference to a person named Quertain: in 1886, a young lady born in Lobbes, by the name of Blanche Sophie Josephine Quertain, gave birth to a boy in Luxembourg-city (11 place d’Armes); the name of the father of the child was not revealed …; the mother was living in Paliseul (Belgium)
[3] Alexandre OLLER, FR patent No 93,168
[4] Joseph POCH, GB patent No 656/1872
[5] The Institution of Civil Engineers, Session 1872-1873, page 22