73 - Melchior NOLDEN (1)  [1] [2]

Charles MUNCHEN, avocat-avoué in Luxembourg, represented NOLDEN, a resident of Frankfurt/Main. 

NOLDEN was a Maschinenkconstructeur and held several patents in Germany and abroad, including in the USA.

On 16 June 1862 MUNCHEN filed an application for a brevet d’importation with the title:

Machine propre à émoudre toute espèce de graines et de grains et de les dépouiller de leur enveloppe inutile

The documents were all filed in due form, although no reference was made to the original patent, which thus remains officially unidentified.

A search in the Prussian Patent Register of the time, however, reveals that the original patent was granted on 6 November 1861.



The Chambre de commerce, as usual, entrusted with the examination of the patent application, reported to the Government:

Le rapport de MM. Aloyse EYDT and J. MICHEL, que nous avions nommés experts pour l'examen du procédé en question, étant favorable à la demande nous l'ajoutons aux pièces avec prière de donner la suite voulue.

The patent to NOLDEN was granted on 14 November 1862.


[1] FamilySearch database

[2] see also No 122 and No 145
